A review by ninaevan
Twisted Dark, Volume 1 by Atula Siriwardane, Jan Wijngaard, Neil Gibson, Dan West, Ant Mercer, Heru Prasetyo Djalal


Writing: Neil Gibson's writing style is incredibly compelling. Each line draws you into the next and it kept this book on my mind long after I put it down. 

Art Style: I really enjoyed the art in this graphic novel. Typically I prefer more colorful artwork, but the gray scale used here was perfect for the story and further drew me into the world. 

Characters: The characters are so perfectly drawn, both literally and figuratively. It was amazing to see a character I rooted for and trusted, completely surprise me in a very believable way. The character building was incredible. 

I've never been very attracted to graphic novels or comic books. I typically prefer books that consist of only text in words because I find them less confusing. Often when attempting to read a graphic novel I cannot focus what is happening because I never know what sections to read and look at first. I then space out due to in inability to connect with the story. I think this is because I have tried to throw my self into graphic novels that might not suit beginners as well. Twisted Dark was the perfect book to get me into the world of graphic novels. Twisted Dark consists of multiple companion stories. Some have clear connections to others while some don't, some stories are brought back and elaborated on while others are kept as stand alone, but they all had one thing in common: They are all insanely creepy! Each story builds up this tension that doesn't allow you to put the book down until it ends, as each story does, with some major plow twist that takes everything you thought you knew makes its ten times creepier! Although, I will say that this wasn't so much scary, as it is disturbing so don't expect American Horror Story level shivers, but it really takes you out of the real world and sucks you into the world of this book. I highly recommend this book for people who are trying to get into graphic novels and for people who love creepy, mind-fucky tales of insanity. I guarantee that you will not be able to put it down. I finished this in less than a two days and just in time for Halloween.