A review by _changingtime
Leave No Trace by Mindy Mejia


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I understand that mystery/thrillers require a level of suspension of disbelief; that without a certain skewing of reality, books that fall into this genre wouldn’t have the necessary excitement, the twists and turns, to be able to stand out in a saturated market.
I get that.
But if that skewing requires perpetuating damaging misconceptions about both mental illness and mental health institutions, then I just can’t get on board.
It is not the 1950s anymore and I think mystery/thriller authors need to start realising that the stereotypes that were acceptable (or even held in high regard) back then, will not be stood for now.
Mental health facilities are a necessary part of the fabric of so many people's lives. To someone in pain, at rock-bottom, or just in need of a little help, they can be a lifeline. A light in the darkness leading them back to the sun.
And, I think wider society needs to understand that. They’re not horror-movie settings and, if the mystery-thriller genre keeps portraying them as that, let me be frank - people will continue to be prevented from getting the help they need.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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