A review by princesscai08
Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover


“It’s love in general I don’t want, Tate. Ever. It’s you specifically that I just… want.”

If you haven’t read a CoHo novel then you’re missing out. Colleen Hoover writes the most poetic loves stories of the contemporary romance. They are full of angst and are always a rollercoaster of emotions.

Tate moves to San Diego to live with her brother while completing her nursing degree. On her first night in, she meets Miles, the pilot that lives across the hall. The instant attraction leads to a “friends with benefits” relationship that is doomed to end. From the beginning they have two conditions, don’t ask about the past and don’t expect a future.

I devoured Ugly Love. I was cursing every time the baby woke up because I just didn’t want to put it down. If I didn’t have any distractions, this would have been finished in a matter of hours. Written from the current perspective of Tate and Miles perspective 6 years prior to current events, you are instantly drawn in. You want to know where it is going. You want to know where Miles story is leading and how he got to Tate’s front door drunk. You want to know why he doesn’t want to love anyone. You want to know how the “friends with benefits” will end. I thought I knew how it was going to end but Colleen Hoover seems to be the queen of throwing in a good twist and I ended up blown away.

As it is a CoHo novel, I expected angst. I expected an emotional rollercoaster. I, however, did not expect to be emotionally destroyed. There were moments where I just wasn’t sure that I could finish the book because I was too upset by the content. I persevered and finished the book. CoHo ties up all the loose ends and makes sure that everyone has a happy ending so it’s worth the ride.

My recommendation: Grab the tissues and prepare for the rollercoaster ride of your life.

I borrowed this paperback from our local library.