A review by leslie_books_and_socks_rock
Wedding Belles: A Novel in Four Parts by Becca Wilhite, Brittany Larsen, Jenny Proctor, Melanie Jacobson


Its true what they say about weddings bringing people together! This book has 4 short stories that all deal around 1 wedding. Some of the characters know each other, some haven't reconnected in a few years and some are complete strangers. I liked getting little snippets of characters you've already met and fell in love with their love story and to see them appear in another.

They felt like full complete stories for being novellas and were well written. Probably my favorite story of them all was Deacon and Lily's, written by Becca Whilte. My least favorite was Brittany Larsen's with Sutton and Max (even though I was most intrigued by their story!) but after the wedding, it was pretty boring of them talking about never seeing them again for MONTHS. I wasn't satisfied with the ending, I wanted more time with them together.

Basically there just needs to be a sequel so we can see how all the couples are doing now! :)