A review by herliterarytravels
Falling for the Cowgirl by Jody Hedlund


I have absolutely loved this series and this book was no exception! I’ve enjoyed watching Ivy grow up through the other books, and then finally get to see her story. The fiery girl becomes a strong and independent woman that is cowgirl through and through.

The settings for these books never ceases to take my breath away and will leave you craving wide-open skies, jagged peaks, tall timber, the sweet scent of hay, and the exhilarating and powerful feel of riding a horse. And nobody writes romance in exactly the same way as @jodyhedlund She has a knack for capturing the fire and tension between two people and this second chance romance has plenty of that.

Ivy’s been in love with Jericho for as long as she can remember, but he has consistently resisted his attraction to her. She was always too young before, and now his job he feels is too dangerous. When he has to return to their hometown as an undercover agent, that attraction becomes harder and harder to deny.

I felt myself at times being really frustrated with Jericho. Ivy was definitely the star of this book and I loved her. But as he comes around and sees what is really most important and takes the time to heal from some of the wounds of his past they end up coming together in the most beautiful way. The ending was