A review by readingwithemmett
The Certainty of Violet & Luke by Jessica Sorensen


"Nothing can be erased in life. Life is permanent, from the breaths we take to the decisions we make."

After Violet finds out about Preston stalking her, Violet doesn't want to deal with her emotions, while Luke is trying his hardest to protect her from Preston. This story is about how Violet is trying to find herself, while dealing with her parent's case being open, Preston stalking her, and Luke's feelings about her.

Just as in the last book, I think Sorensen needs to find a better editor. That was probably about the only think that I really disliked throughout the entire story. I really enjoy Sorensen's writing, and how she brings the characters and the plot together in a way that makes me want to find out what happens.

Again, I didn't like Violet's character in the beginning (it must be a re-accuring theme with her character), however, as she started to develop and accept who she was, I liked her a lot more. Luke is a great guy, and cares about Violet so much that he is willing to try and stop his habits to take care of Violet. It was also nice seeing more of Callie in this book than in the previous two stories.

Although the plot was predictable, I still thought it was nice. I loved the ending and thought it was perfect. I would recommend this book if you enjoyed the first two about Violet and Luke. After this book, this series is defiantly on my list of favorites. I would not recommend this book, or series, if you do not like reading about underaged drinking, sexual context, suicide, stalking, or abuse.

"Wishes are just wishes. Destiny is just destiny. And neither really has control over your life. S*** happens, shapes our lives, but doesn't have to shape who we are."