A review by tiffanie39e8e
From #blacklivesmatter to Black Liberation by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor


I don't normally write reviews, but I felt it was necessary for such an important book.
I was worried this book might only be a rehashing of things I already knew, but almost all the information was new to me. Taylor goes into much greater detail than I expected. The most important and eye-opening chapters deal with how representation in the upper classes does not improve life for working-class and poor Black people, and how austerity politics and police militarization have combined to devistate Black communities. Though I had some understanding of these issues, I was unaware of the extent to which they are intertwined in American society, and how much of an uphill battle this struggle is. Taylor goes into gut-renching detail on these issues especially.
This is obviously not an easy or uplifting read, and I wish that Taylor had presented more potential solutions than she did. That said, this is essential reading for everyone interested in social justice.