A review by sherpawhale
Green Arrow: Quiver by Kevin Smith, Ande Parks, Phil Hester


Highly enjoyed this one. Felt like a breath of fresh air after Arrow. I read the Year One book a few years ago and really dug it, but this? This is the best Green Arrow. This is him at his Bruce Timm/Paul Dini cartoony finest. I never knew how much "Holy Hannah!" could speak volumes about character, but it can.

Classic GA aside, this was such a nicely contained run. Pretty easy background DC shenans to understand even if you aren't that well-versed in all the Crisis stuff. Green Arrow has been dead and now he's not. So what happened and how does he find out? All the details are there, all the players present. No deus ex machina, and some good mythology set up for the future.

I only bought, and still haven't read, the first issue of the Green Arrow rebirth, so I'm not sure what's going on there. But all the 52 and Arrow shit was bad for the Green Arrow line. If only the last 4 and a half years of Green Arrow comics and Arrow show had been like this...

As sad as I am that Hastings is closing, I'd like to thank their 40%off GN sales for leading me to take a chance on this story. Thoroughly enjoyed it.