A review by lindseysbooknook
Aggie the Horrible vs. Max the Pompous Ass by Lisa Wells


Aggie the Horrible vs. Max the Pompus Ass • Lisa Wells

While Max’s assistant is on maternity leave, his grandmother offers to step in. Well it doesn’t last long before she decides that being his assistant is too much and comes up with a plan, have Max hire her friends granddaughter Aggie, and if they fall in love that would make the two grandmothers overjoyed.
While both Aggie and Max both have their own plan to sabotage the interview they also don’t want to disappoint their own grandmothers, so they have no choice but to work with each other.

Some parts I really enjoyed in this book but others I felt didn’t keep my attention.
The meddling grandmothers were great and so enjoyable! Aggie while some aspects of her I did enjoy like her no filter and sense of humour, I found her semi relatable in the fact that she wants to find a job she loves but I didn’t like how she was basically living off her grandmother who is working 3 jobs to stay afloat.
Max I enjoyed as a character, he did seem a little stiff in the beginning but softened quickly. The banter between the two was really enjoyable!

However there were some aspects of the storyline that were introduced and never really talked about but then brought up later on that I would have liked to see how they came about. Also sometimes when both Max and Aggie are together with their grandmothers it can get confusing. I wish there would have been more use of the names instead of just the term grandma, when both were present.

Thank you to @NetGalley for the eArc in exchange for an honest review. #AggietheHorriblevsMaxthePompousAss #NetGalley