A review by daisey
Bad Girls: Sirens, Jezebels, Murderesses, Thieves, & Other Female Villains by Jane Yolen, Rebecca Guay


I've had a difficult time deciding how to review this book. It's a collection of mini biographies written for young readers meant to introduce various "bad girls" from history and, I would assume, pique readers' interest to learn more about them. In that respect, it might serve its purpose reasonably well. The short descriptions will not be overwhelming for readers and definitely introduce some incredibly interesting women from history. They may also find the illustrations an entertaining addition.

However, personally I was disappointed by just how short the descriptions of these women were, and in some cases the limited perspective presented. Although the comments from the authors at the end of each section sometimes mention differing opinions on the level of villainy of the women, I didn't really feel that they did a good job of showing the different sides of the story. As someone who already knew something about many of the women described and has read entire books on Catherine the Great and Cleopatra, I often felt that the many facets of their character were just glossed over to focus on the negative aspects.

* I received an electronic copy of this book through NetGalley for an honest review.