A review by slferg
Legend in Green Velvet by Elizabeth Peters


One of my favorites. I read it some time ago, so I read it again. A stand alone mystery of a young woman, Susan, who loves everything about Scotland and it's history (well, most of it). She has gotten a chance to work an archeological dig in Scotland. One of her professors knows Dr Campbell who is doing the survey very well and has gotten her a spot on it. So she has worked and saved her money to come work on the archeological site and intends to enjoy her time in Scotland. But it doesn't start very well. A crazy old man, Tammas, (Tammas is harmless everyone says) put a piece of paper in her purse. She finds it when she's sorting things out in her bag. It's a quote from an old poem about Scotland. She's rather annoyed, but decides to keep the note as a souvenir. She takes a bus tour and when she returns finds that her room has been ransacked - and the note has been taken. She decides to have it out with Tammas and tries to track him down and finds he's been murdered. Then she finds she's wanted by the police. So she and the guy she met looking for Tammas take off to try to find out what's going on and who and why someone wanted harmless old Tammas dead. Lots of fun chases and escapes.