A review by yodamom
Lost in a Good Book by Jasper Fforde


Audio-Thursday Next, literary detective, weaves us through a series of books on another amazing adventure. Characters from literature can travel to the real world, or to other books. Fforde, is a master at using fabulous characters, wonderful language, interesting images, and a great plot.
The Jurisfiction co., centered in the Great Library where every book, written, published or not, is there. They protect against everything vocabulary devouring creatures that eat vocabulary to Bowdlerisers, to eliminate obscenity and profanity from books. Thursday becomes the apprentice to Miss Havisham from Great Expectations, a expert book-jumper.( and race driver) She trains with the goal of getting her husband back.
The books is filled with unending fun and laugh out loud moments. Then it ended with a 'to be continued ending' now I have to rush to get the next Next book. LOL