A review by fictionalkate
The Toffee Heiress by Sydney Jane Baily


I thought this book was adorable. Greer Carson is a wealthy American looking for a titled lady for a wife. Beatrice is a woman who spends her days making toffee and snarking at customers. But a deal is made where they both help the other navigate a London season. Hijinks ensue. It was a pleasure following along their adventures amongst the ton and watching as they got to know each other better. I haven’t read a lot of grumpy/sunshine romances where the leading lady is the more standoffish of the pair and it was a nice change of pace. It’s a sweet story (and not just for all the candy talk) and there was enough going on to keep me interested. I loved the supporting cast and will be reading others in the series. But I also loved the tension of the entire story with the reader knowing Greer and Beatrice can’t be together but feeling the sparks with every interaction.