A review by helpfulsnowman
With Only Which She Could Carry: a poetry collection by Nicole Jean Turner


Great collection. My personal favorites regard the Astronaut and Clown College Grad. This book is unique in that it has some recurring characters and a really great ending that ties them together. Not something you see too often in collections like this, and it gives the book a warm feeling of closure you don't get too often with poetry.

It fulfills the goals: Make 'em laugh, teach 'em something (LOVED the typewriter poem), and break their hearts.

These are good poems for regular readers of poetry, and they're great for people who shy away from the poetry section because poems are too often obtuse or trying to hide what they really mean. The language is like a really nice chest of drawers. It's beautiful to look at, but it's also super functional. You can get what you need from this book whether you're a person who likes a poem that's like a puzzle or a poem that's plainspoken and still wonderful. Most of us are between those poles, which is why this book is one I'd recommend to just about any reader.