A review by ahexcalledbrigid
Shadowboxer by Tricia Sullivan


This was damn boring. It was such a struggle for me to go on.

My experience was sorta like this:

- Omg the pacing.

- What is this? My god, I've forgotten everything she just told me. Backtracks. OH MY GOD. What did she say?



- Wait. What?

- Falls asleep.

- Okay. I like this chick.

- Puts book down.

- Feels no desire to pick it back up.

- Days go by. Months go by. Reads other books. Enjoys some. Rages others.

- Sigh. Picks it back up.

- Eh.....

*Stares into space.*

- Meh.

- Huh.

*"Yeah....I'm gonna get back to you on that."*

- I like the girl. I like the setting. Yet I feel nothing for her.

- I have no fucking need to know more about her.


*I should have listened to Gandalf*

- Finishes book: wait a sec. What was her name again? Checks book. Oh right. Heh.

End of story.

I've been reading this book for a long time. It was like intentionally sticking pins in my eye. To say the least: it was very uncomfortable. This was not for me. I wanted it to be, yet it was not meant to be.

I thought the inclusion of a female boxer would be a great read. I was even happier that the main character wasn't white. This genre is so fucking white. It's quite...sad. More diversity people! It's a good thing. But just because the book has a diverse character, doesn't mean I'm going to like the book. In fact, I can hate a book solely due to the writing that has nothing to do with the color of main character. Some people get so excited about diversity in genre fiction, they sometimes forget it doesn't always make a good book. I want there to be more diversity in this genre, but I also want a good book. This did not fill that requirement, unfortunately.

If I'm going to explain why I couldn't like this book it would be with three words: I. Was. Bored. The writing was very stale and there was a large amount of pacing issues. I didn't feel that I could emotionally connect with the character. I liked her, but at the same time couldn't feel that intense need to know more about her. It was like there was a lack of emotional empathy. Basically, this was just not the book for me.