A review by spooky_librarian
I Would Haunt You If I Could by Seán Padraic Birnie


3.5/5 stars rounded up to 4 for Goodreads!

“Death is scandalous, absurd, obscene. We manage it carefully, so as to ensure that its taint will not transfer on to us, the still-living and the not-yet-dead, even though it is always within us already, like an incubating virus, like planned obsolescence."

Like any short story collection, this one had its hits and misses. But all in all, I really enjoyed it (especially the stories that included body horror. Gotta love that cringe inducing body horror). Many of the stories seemed to have the theme of being haunted by grief and guilt, which was portrayed beautifully through Birnie's writing.

My favorites in this collection were:

"New to It All"
"Out of the Blue"
"Like a Zip"
"I Told You Not to Go"

While not perfect, this is still a short story collection I'd want to add to my home library.