A review by kricketa
The Order of Odd-Fish by James Kennedy


one of my co-workers arranged for james kennedy to visit our library in january. somehow the book had escaped my radar, perhaps because we had it in the 'youth middle school' section, but when i found out kennedy would be coming, i grudgingly decided to read his book. and i am so glad i did, FOR IT IS SCRUMPTIOUS!!

jo is 13, living with her batty aunt lily in a red palace in the desert outside los angeles. at aunt lily's christmas costume party, many mysterious occurrences occur, and the next day jo finds herself vomited from a giant fish onto the shores of eldritch city with aunt lily, the mysterious colonel korsakov, and his butler, a giant cockroach called sefino. (hands down my favorite character in the book.) They have come to rejoin the Order of Odd-fish, a group of knights researching useless information in a lodge filled with secret rooms and twisty passageways. The secrets of jo's real family and strange birth are contained in eldritch city, and it is up to her to uncover the secrets as she desperately tries to change her fate.

meanwhile, the writing is brilliant, colorful, and hilarious, and eldritch city is a fantasy world unlike any other. i laughed, i cried, and was thrilled to the core. definitely one of my top reads this year.