A review by seashelfs
The Suffering by Rin Chupeco



An action-packed horror story full of mystery with a touch of young adult drama.

The story starts two years after the events of the first book. Tark, now seventeen, is now an exorcist for fun and reluctant vigilante together with his trusty ghost companion, Okiku. (The vigilante part is mostly Okiku though. See book 1) A sudden disappearance of an old friend brings the two in the midst of the mysterious Aokigahara forest of Japan.

This is extremely fast paced from start to end. We immediately get up to date on how Tark's life and the mystery element starts up not too long after. I love the supernatural elements and the lore building in this one. We get to see more ghosts this time round and they are scary as hell.

I liked Tark's character much better this time. He's still sarcastic but in a more enjoyable this-guy-is-hilarious kinda way. The story mostly focuses on Tark's perspective and we get to explore his conflicted feelings with Okiku's need to avenge murdered children and their complicated relationship. We also get to see more of Okiku's past, mainly what happened shortly before and after her death.

Overall, a great read if you're looking for a fast-paced, YA horror story that isn't too scary with a few funny moments in between.