A review by leighanneslit
The Sleepwalkers by J. Gabriel Gates


**I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review**

I'll be honest, I read a lot of adult horror, but not a lot of young adult horror. That's partially because I haven't come across very much young adult horror that is actually horrific.
This book was phenomenal. But, before I start gushing about how much I loved it (and I don't normally gush) I'll give some brief background on the story.

Caleb, formerly known as Billy, has just graduated high school and has high hopes of becoming a journalist. However, during his graduation party, he receives a letter from a childhood friend that prompts him to take an impromptu trip back to his hometown in Florida with his best friend, Bean. It doesn't take long for them to discover that a lot had changed since Caleb moved away and there are hundreds of people missing, including his father. So of course, they set out to find out what is really going on.

This book was like watching a horror movie with subtitles. I could envision everything exactly how it was happening, the writing was very descriptive. If this book was ever turned into a movie, I would definitely watch it!
The characters were very real and well developed, which made it even better. And the suspense! There was one point where I was literally biting my knuckle wondering what was about to happen! That hardly ever happens to me. I'm the type that I can generally guess what is about to happen in a book or movie so it doesn't really phase me. Not the case with this one, at all. Not only was it suspenseful, but the supernatural element in it made it actually scary. I was finishing this book up during a thunderstorm and lets just say that I was scared to turn out the light for a little bit.

Overall, this was a fantastic book. Fantastic cover, characters, suspense, and the ending! I won't give anything away, but it was just fantastic. If you're looking for a good, scary read for the month of October, I HIGHLY suggest that you pick this one up. I promise that you won't regret it! A full 5 out of 5 stars!