A review by koshpeli
The Teacher by Katerina Diamond


A fun read but too complicated

I guess thriller isn’t my genre. I thought this was a mystery novel, so maybe my complaints are par for the genre. But, there was way too much going on in this book and way too much suspension of disbelief.

I don’t think it’s spoiling much to say a killer is stalking abd killing in terrible ways members of a cult who did bad things. The first chapter establishes that. But the victims don’t even try to fight back and apparently were just hanging around waiting for this guy to kill them. It’s implied this killer is super strong or super persuasive or something, but no. He just shows up and they’re like ok. I guess you can kill and torture me. At the same time, the ct is recealrd to super-powerful and covering up its crimes forever. The police are helpless. No one knows they exist but not one of them carries a weapon or is able to locate the killer and like destroy him? Despite the fact the killer is just walking around? Are theyl a super-powerful cult or just a bunch of weak-willed old dudes? Both!

And it’s never totally clear is this cult carrying out an ancient mission or did they all just decide to be a cult because they are evil. Both and neither. Lots of logistical things donmt add up despire supposedly being told all the details.

Then the killer is way way way too normal. I see what the author wanted to do. I wish she’d pulled it off, but a dude who can torture and murder people in terrible ways can’t he like walking around normally like hey want a cuppa? Also every murder is terrible and brutal but every time, the police are like “Wow, I’ve never ever seen anything like this.” But yesterday they saw a different terrible murder 1 day ago. And the week before that. And 2 minutes ago.

Also every person in this book has multiple messed up things about them. Throughout the book, you learn more and more terrible things about everyone, even the heroes have weird proclivities that have nothing to do with anything. Like if halfway through, Miss Marple was like let me finish reading some hardcore dungeon porn while I think about the case. My Dad was a cannibal by the way. Visiting him in the mental hospital gets awkward....

I mean it was a fun read and I liked the concept but it didn’t work well for me if you try to give it any thought at all.