A review by ujint
The Sweetest Oblivion by Danielle Lori

Did not finish book. Stopped at 26%.
this book in a realistic nutshell up till the one third of the book because that’s when i decided to DNF it:
• a complete waste of time
• disgusting. i’ll explain
—> 1. heroine, a dude with unresolved emotional problems, basically manipulates hero.
—> 2. heroine is hero’s soon-to-be step sis but hey, who cares because the lust for each other is mutual, right? it is. TO THEM.
—> 3. the mc and love interest doesn’t even have the slightest romantic spark for each other. they’re all ‘oh he’s so intimidating and dark it makes me blush soooooo hard’ or ‘oh she has such a shapely ass my groin is taking control over my thoughts’ and such. no chemistry. only lust.
—> 4. it makes me bang my head against the wall that the only unique and special aspect Nico seems to notice about Elena is her ass. and body. and did i also mention: her sweet, perfect ass that is the talk of NYC?
—> 5. the heroine is a complete asshole. he’s literally (i do notice that i’ve been using that word quite a lot in this review but no matter—) such a douche that he can’t even think of a nice, wholehearted compliment for Elena, OR EVEN HIS FIANCÉE. Elena is known to him as a seductress in love with someone else other than him, and also has a perfect ass. Adriana is known as the weird, freak sister that he has to marry. WHAT THE WHAT?!?!?!? HAVE YOU NO SENSE OF DECENCY?? i geeettt that this is a mafia story but come ooooooooon all we see of Nico is him being a ruthless dickhead who treat women as objects.
—> 6. i also do think Elena should be shaded just as much as Nico because first of all have you no shame of the infidelity between you and your soon-to-be brother-in-law? i honestly can’t remember her feeling remorseful about sneaking around with Nico when he’s supposed to be with Adriana
—> that ALSO bring me to the fact that instead of simply talking to his fiancée and getting to know her interests, Nico oh so freely demands a list of Adriana’s personality  from Elena like HELLO?? and Elena had the non-audacity to just oblige????? where is your sense of pride girlie?????
•this book infuriates me to the core that it makes me want to jump off a building. 

okay i think that about sums all of my rants. who knows my madness may even bring up a few points i also despised.

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