A review by cncoltre
Throttled by Lauren Asher


Do I Know too much about formula 1 to like this?

Let me start here. I LOVE a raunchy romance. And after watching Drive to Survive, I started to love Formula 1 too. So I figured, this must be a match made in heaven. And while it was decent, I felt like I just couldn’t get around to liking or loving it. 

I have so much knowledge of F1 that while the details were thorough (albeit sometimes incorrect), it felt so tedious to read about what that world is like, when  I already know thanks to having already been exposed to F1. I also felt like it was really difficult to not automatically compare the real life drivers because their fictional counterparts are so similar. For example - you can’t tell me that Santiago Alatorre isn’t basically Carlos Sainz. And I feel like that really took away from my reading experience because this felt less like a book with original characters, and more like an F1 fan fiction. And if you’re reading fan fiction you don’t need as much detail about the world of F1. 

It wasn’t until the Maya/Noah story really started that I felt like I was getting anywhere when it came to enjoying this book. And their love story really only came about in the last 25% of the book and felt extremely rushed. I understand it was a slow burn, but for me it was too slow since their story was what I enjoyed about this book the most. 

Overall, unlikely I’ll read any more of these

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