A review by kellyhager
Rotten by Michael Northrop


I loved this book so much! I immediately sympathized with JD and obviously with his dog, Johnny Rotten.

It's probably a good thing I read this on my Kindle so that I couldn't skip ahead. As a result, I spent most of the book worried that Johnny would have to be put down (obviously I won't tell you what happens; you'll have to read the book).

It was wonderful seeing a bond develop between JD and Johnny. Obviously, JD didn't have that many relationships he could really count on in his life, and Johnny had even fewer. Watching Johnny learn to trust JD was a really awesome thing. (Yes, I'm a sap but I never pretended otherwise.)

I also spent the book in complete disbelief over the behavior of JD's friend, Mars. (The one Johnny bit and who is now reacting in a completely awful way.) Yes, I know there are people like that but it's still unsettling to run across one. I was hoping that he would realize what he was doing and what the potential repercussions were, but well, we know better, don't we? (And again, not telling you the ending.)

Highly recommended.