A review by iam
Elliot, Song of the Soulmate by Anyta Sunday


My favourite in the series so far!
It started out very intensely, with a long intro that set up the second-chance-romance in much detail. I liked this a lot as it gave much more intimate context for the ten years later, when the brunt of the story takes place.

The tone overall once again was very light, with some serious notes beneath, giving the reader an overall light and happy feeling but also tugging at one's heartstrings every now and again.

I liked Wentworth and Elliot's dynamic, and the backdrop of them both working at the indie movie studio from books 1 and 2. Wentworth being a popstar was more of a small detail, which I enjoyed more than if it had been the main plot thing.
The addition of an adorable puppy, complete with pet responsibility subplot, was excellent.

The one thing I didn't like were the couple things that were clearly meant to be jealousy inducing in a "will-they-won't-they" way. Not saying it would be unrealistic, but it made me feel bad for some of the side characters.

I received an ARC and reviewed honestly and voluntarily.