A review by willpollard
Extinction Point: Kings by Paul Antony Jones


Epic ending

An epic ending to a very impressive series of books.

The pace is fairly slow to begin with, a chunk of time being spent in Svalbard (a place that sounds nice, if a little on the chilly side). This isn't a problem for me, as I like a little world building with my action, which is exactly what you get here.

The book the gradually builds to the series finale, and what a finale it is. The action is intense, epic and goes on for ages. The antagonists are particularly sinister and believable and the protagonists are suitably heroic. At times they seem a little too heroic, until you remember that their backs are to the wall and what they're doingg is from necessity, not choice.

This is a series I would recommend to anyone. If you're looking for a slightly different take on the apocalypse, this might be for you.