A review by marisakucha
Crimson Tears by Lyra Winters


The first chapter drew me right into this book. I knew I was going to love the female main character, Lilith. She is sassy and hilarious and she did not change throughout this book. I loved her thoughts and interactions with those around her.

The story is an interesting premise. Girl gets changed by vampires, there’s a big council, a bit of a mystery and something just doesn’t seem quite right. I liked that there was a bit of a mystery throughout the book, you’re trying to figure out what exactly is happening. Some parts I guessed but a few others were a surprise. The mystery and the few hints we were given is enough to keep me interested in continuing the series.

I really think the dialogue made this book though. It was funny and entertaining and I really liked Lilith. The boys were starting to get I’m more interesting, I think they’ll play a bigger part as the trilogy continues. I just liked Lilith a bit more than men.