A review by skahn
How to Know Higher Worlds: A Modern Path of Initiation (Cw 10) by Rudolf Steiner


This is "occult" science. The pursuit of truth behind appearances is at the heart if any real religion or philosophy or science. This book is a practical manual for training the mind to perceive not just sense-perceptions but also to recognize activities occurring between physical objects. Steiner unfolds a Western articulation of the Perennial Philosophy (Huxley) before Huxley. This 1909 book is an extraction of the core of mystical Christianity, Mahayana Buddhism, and Theosophy. It discusses crystals and auras and preempts the false New Age fantasies concerning such things. In reality, a "blue" aura is no color at all and is completely invisible; recognizing an aura is feeling the same emotion that the same color imposes through the eyes. A "blue" aura is an analogous spiritual feeling to the physical seeing of blue. Crystal contemplation is not fortune-telling but part of a series of simple mental exercises comparing mineral, vegetable, and animal.

Much of the book is cautionary. It gives you simple and SAFE exercises to develop Eastern wisdom for Western lives. I personally have engaged a self-forged path that proved unsafe. I wish I had read this first.