A review by jlwright04
Nice and Easy by Erin Nicholas


This book was a bit darker (but not “dark romance”) than the others in the series. These two are completely opposites in personality but not in desire to be together and they had to work through that. They also each had a child that came into their life unexpectedly (hers through unplanned pregnancy and his through the death of a sibling)

So they had some extra struggles to wade through on their path to love and that was nice.

Their sexy times were amazing and unique to them which was fun.

The end felt a shade rushed though. They went from content in a new relationship to getting married six moths later. I don’t know how much more of their romance needed to be told though so that’s hard.

Ryan West —dude you are amazing with the female voice and the drawl and the levels of drawl. Sigh.... lol