A review by aspersephone
Laughable Loves by Milan Kundera


A fun jolly reads full of ironies. The stories are light and humored but makes you pause for a second and realize these themes are way beyond an easy imagination. Sometimes it starts to feel like story is too descriptive and taking up a lot of time for story build up and that is when the poetic and lyrical prose of author comes to your rescue.
This book contains seven stories dealing with love, sexual attraction, human impulses and men and women's thoughts about each others. From young couple on holiday playing a game of pretence that threatens their relationships to elderly doctor using his beautiful wife to increase his attraction; every theme is full of surprise and illusions, simple and funny. You will obviously burst with laughter on how stupid these characters can be.
Also i was disappointed on female characters of Kundera. His womens are portrayed with weak attitudes, soft head, at times a bit irrational and easily falls for men too soon. It was a bit turn down for me. Other than that this book is full of surprises.