A review by alyssaindira
The Valiant by Lesley Livingston


*no spoilers were harmed in the making of this review*

"Cowards die many times before their deaths; the Valiant never taste of death but once."

Hey guys, so I finished The Valiant (The Valiant, #1) by Lesley Livingston and it was a nice enough read. I appreciate certain aspects within this novel, however, I feel like I personally did not give it my all on this novel. i felt like I was just reading it on the surface level. I mean, I wanted to get sucked into Fallon's world. I kind of was. But I kind of wasnt. I don't know what my problem was, but something about the book kept making me read it with one foot in the world, one foot out. Now,the book wasnt bland or anything. It had a lot of action. The action was actually my fav parts. The battle/fight scenes were wonderfully written. I did not feel confused or turned about at all while reading them. I knew what was happening, and experienced it right alongside the character. The battle description and the inner thought descriptions were the best of the story, in my opinion. The heavyish description of the scenery...not as much of my favorite. I did find myself skimming that part unless it had Fallon's personal remarks about them. But yeah...Other than that, the writing was pretty good. The storyline was not lackluster. It was swell enough. And the storyline certainly did not lack death/violence, killing. Whew. But hey, it was too be expected. Though the first death of the novel shocked me, truly. And then everything drifted from there. One of the only other things that I just wasnt feeling about this novel was the romance. I thought the characters would have tangible chemistry. I thought there would be more agony and choices and just painful love. But in my opinion, there wasnt really much time for that to build up. If it did at all really. Honestly, the man goes from speaking a few words to her, to wanting her and loving her and vowing to wait, i was just like, slow your roll. You only knew her for a month maybe. And you wanna do all this for her? I was thinking the same in regards to Fallon. Like seriously, you exchange a few words with this man, then suddenly your like goo gaga, like what happened. There honestly wasnt much inner emotions about the romance, in my opinion. It was just kind of there. Forced almost. Like, I have these two characters, they might as well kiss. So yeah, totally was not feeling the romance element at all. The story did have a few plottwists. I think they could have been great plottwists, really shocking ones. Sadly, in my opinion, there just wasnt much suspense or build up. They were just dropped into the story and the reader is just suppose to go along with it. Honestly, the best thing about this story, was Fallon herself. I admire her so much. She is fierce and she is brave and she never gives up. She doesnt let fear rule her. She doesnt let herself become any less than what she is, and what she always will be. She never lets them tell her what she can and cannot do. She rebels in her own manners. And looks good while doing it. She doesnt entirely lose sight of her endgoal, it just kind of shifts to a more worthyish cause. But no matter the cause or her motives, Fallon is badass and she is triumphant. She is Valiant. I also really liked Charon, for some strange reason. He was just a mystery. Dark and twisted. Tortured in a way. So yeah, he was...interesting to say the least. Cai, who is the male love interest, kind of reminded me of Chaol from Throne of Glass. But Cai, he is just kind of there. Bland. Plain. Not really dynamic. He gives reasons for his actions, but they just felt...eh. I didnt really feel em, I dunno if he even believed them himself. Ha. Honestly I would have taken Mael over him. Mael was bae. Poor Mael....And A ended up being kind of...something. Of course there was also Cleo and Julius, who were nice. So yeah, most of the chracters were alright, some better than others. Similar like this novel, some aspects to it were better than others. Alright, as always, if you guys have any questions or comments, drop em below. Till next time. Bye