A review by literarygadd
Rabbits by Terry Miles


If you don’t want to notice coincidences and synchronicities everywhere you go, then I’m still going to recommend you read this book because it’s too much fun to miss. Realizing that this is the second book in a row that I’ve read that is set in my home state of Washington already has me wondering if there is more truth to this book then what I’m being lead to believe . . .

Running through Seattle on a conspiracy-driven scavenger hunt, losing time, being chased by shadows and darkness, and slipping through dimensions, is it a some nameless underground game, a means of keeping the world as we know it intact, or is it all just an elaborate hoax orchestrated by someone with limitless funds?

Not only is this story exciting, it’s also a beginner’s guide to theories relating to multiverses, conspiracies, ley lines, and so much more that will you scratching your head and doing a lot of Googling.

The mood throughout this entire novel is definitely written by someone familiar with the area, unlike many TV shows that throw a gray filter on a camera and put a few people in chunky sweaters and call it “Seattle”, Terry so accurately describes the sights and smells, the personalities that you meet, the numerous coffee shops, it’s obvious that he’s a local.

Knowing that I live in close proximity to the author (when he’s in Washington), may cause me to frequent some of his haunts while holding his book in hopes of running into him and obtaining an autograph. However, what I’m really hoping for is an onscreen adaptation, and seeing that Terry is already in the biz . . . well, let’s see what can be done about that, hmm?

An advanced copy of this book was sent to me by the publisher. The opinions are my own.