A review by moomoo_reads
Super Secret by eon


 This webtoon is soooooo wholesome! Ryan and Emma are adorable. I wished there was more. The ending was so cute. I'd love a story about Jasmine and Johan. He's so sweet I wanna know what happened to them. I also want to see more Hunter. I love him. And OMG Kat and "Mister's" relationship! So sweet in the end! God, I just love them all. I don't want their stories to end. I could keep reading on and on until they're old and die, although I don't want them to die... ever... so maybe until I die then. Yeah, that's better. I want their stories to continue until the day I die.
Did I bawl my eyes out when Ryan tried to break up with Emma? Yes, yes I did. Was I about to chuck my phone across the room if they had broken up? Yes, yes I would have. Good thing Emma pelted him with Snowballs and snapped him back to reality. Did I cry when Johan erased Jasmine's memories of him? You betcha. That shit hurted.
I just want them all to live happily ever after.
Thank you.
That is all.