A review by amyiw
The Dragon Who Loved Me by G.A. Aiken


There were definitely the fun family parts to this book but the main couple were just part of the overall story which main involved the war with the Iron Dragons and the battle happening on two fronts and the third happening at the castle where the Anwyl's twins are. So the main characters are going after Anwyl into the heart on the Iron's while we are constantly going from front to front to castle and back to the main couple.

Although I really liked the furthering of the family's story, and I liked (not loved) the main characters relationship, the battle scenes and the constant change of place was a little dizzying.

I didn't love the main characters because the heroine showed no real interested in the hero at first. She was also totally oblivious of his suit until he not only spelled it out for her, but knocked her over the head with it. He definitely had it for her, but she was not interested until he made his position clear. Then, although it was sweet and slow, it just wasn't high chemistry. Still I came to like both the characters.