A review by teresab78
Counterpoint by Rachel Haimowitz


****Reviewed for Prism Book Alliance****

4.5 Stars - Though one doesn’t usually start at the end of a book, I feel I must here. When I picked this book to read, I had forgotten that the reason it had languished on my TBR pile was that the reviews I had read warned me about the cliffhanger ending. I dislike cliffhangers, especially in my mm romance, but acknowledge that they are quite common in fantasy series, which at its heart, Counterpoint is. This ends with no HEA in sight but the story is so good and solid, I think it is worth the time to read and to invest in the next book of the series.

The world building was great, the pacing good and the characters likable. I enjoyed the writing style and didn’t find it to drag at all. It portrayed great action, fantasy and romance.

Prince Freyrik was admirable for his firm but just ruling if his kingdom. Ayden’s hatred of humans seemed wholly justified and yet he was still able to see the difference in Freyrik from the others. The love story was built slowly and the sexual tension lasted awhile but it was worth it.

I am eager to dive into book two, Crescendo, which thankfully is out!

Prism Book Alliance