A review by sarah_moynihan
The Duke Meets His Match by Karen Tuft


'At thirty years of age, Susan Jennings has long been considered a spinster. Exceptionally intelligent, she has little tolerance for London and the dreaded Season—if that’s how one is expected to find love, it’s not for her. But when an invitation arrives that cannot be ignored, Susan leaves her comfortable life in the country and enters the fashion and frivolity she most despises. She quickly discovers, however, that there is more to loathe in London—and his name is George Kendall.

George, Duke of Aylesham, has learned to keep his distance from cloying females chasing the title of duchess. Susan Jennings, however, proves an entirely different challenge—a woman who has pushed him to the limit of his patience with their every encounter. But their simmering hostility is disrupted by a thoughtless slip-up: to avoid a marriage of political strategy, George claims he is already betrothed. And when pressed for the name of the lucky woman, only one name comes to mind: Susan’s. Their forced betrothal proves advantageous, but when their verbal sparring must change in order to be convincing, the line between fact and fiction becomes blurred by something neither expected: love.'

3.5 stars, rounded up to 4 stars.

The Duke Meets His Match is a standalone book by Karen Tuft and is a clean historical romance.

Stemming from a terrible first meeting, George and Susan loathe each other. When Susan comes to London for the season, they're brought back together, not thinking any kinder of the other. The longer they're forced into one another's company and the more they learn of the other, their hard judgements begin to soften. It's a classic enemies to lovers.

This is the first book that I have read by this author and I quite enjoyed it. The book switches back and forth from Susan to George's perspectives to tell the story, which the author did well. Sometimes things will feel choppy or like there's information missing in books with the switching perspectives, but it flowed nicely between the two of them.

My one complaint was that it seemed to me that they flipped very quickly from seeing the good in each other to decalring love. I know that they were growing to care for one another, but it seemed like there was still a little more work that could have been done to be done before it was time for such declarations; it have only been about 6 days. Overall though I enjoyed the book and would read another by this author in the future.

I would like to thank NetGalley and Covenant Communications for sharing an eARC of The Duke Meets His Match by Karen Tuft with me. This is my honest review.