A review by erinbrook
This Might Hurt by Stephanie Wrobel


This was a struggle. 1.5 stars rounded up.

Pros: This book was super atmospheric in a chaotic claustrophobic way, which I quite enjoyed. I also actually found the cult manipulation fascinating.

Cons: I could've cared less about what the "secret" was. I was far more into the cult story than I was the actual plot of the book.
I didn't realize there was a 3rd narrator until exactly 45% of the way through this book. I was so unbelievably confused so I checked Goodreads to find out wtf was going on. Without reading spoilers, I absolutely would've dnf'd it.
The timelines were also all over the place, and while usually I love multiple timelines, these were incredibly hard to follow.

I may have had a different reading experience had I read it with my eyeballs rather than listen to the audiobook, but this was still a no for me.