A review by allysw
The Little Woods by McCormick Templeman


I was worried, at first, that this book was going to be another run-of-the-mill boarding school tale. Not so. The mystery is convoluted enough to keep things interesting, but not too complicated. But the characters are the real triumph. Cally is fantastic. She's just edgy enough to be considered strange at St. Bede's, but not so weird that she would be too quirky in the background that she's used to. The revolving door of stereotypical St. Bede's girls--Noel/Helen/Freddy/Pigeon--are almost indistinguishable from one another, which seems to be the point. Templeman has written a smart, interesting book for young adults that will be enjoyed by all ages. Can't wait to add this one to my collection so that patrons of all ages can enjoy it!