A review by elfbread
The Raven and the Dove by Kaitlyn Davis


Thank you to Netgalley and Kaitlyn Davis for this ARC!

All in all, this was a pretty good read! Not perfect, but I did enjoy it quite a bit. I think there was a good amount of world building... not so much that you are overwhelmed but still enough to feel immersed. Perfect balance for a fantasy novel.

Perhaps an unpopular opinion, but I didn’t really care for Lyana or Rafe. Their characters were a little boring and predictable. Xander and Cassi, however, were far more interesting. Xander’s positivity, trusting nature and absolute love for his brother was refreshing. I also really liked Cassi because of her backhanded dealings... I still think she loves Lyana as a close friend.

My only major critique is the level of detail. At times it felt like too much and that it really held up the story. Around 60% the balance improved and the story really started to move quickly and become more engaging. For this reason, less detailed descriptions would have helped the pacing and overall flow of the story. The writing style was engaging and I think the author is clearly very talented. I just wish the phrase “pumping his/her wings” wasn’t so overused.

The cover was also not my favorite, it made the novel seem more YA than I would have liked, but I think that’s just personal preference.

Thanks again to Netgalley and Kaitlyn Davis for this opportunity. I look forward to reading the sequel!