A review by angieturnsthepages
Making Friends With Monsters by Sandra L Rostirolla


This book is so incredibly important to young and older readers alike. Told from the perspective of 12 year old Sam Nolen, it is easy for young adults to relate, as well as older adults, especially parents, because they are able to understand just how important mental health is for themselves and their children.

The Nolen family is dealt hardship after hardship, first with a drought that effects their livelihood by making it difficult to keep their sheep farm afloat. Additionally they have reached the point of having to ration their water usage. Sam sees the adverse affects these issues are having on his family and realizes that they all have their own "monster" within them. He makes it his mission to learn the most that he can about these monsters so that he can better help his family cope with them; but when tragedy strikes and Sam's life as he knows it is upended he must defeat his own monster, or perhaps learn to use it to his advantage. Not long after, another tragedy rocks Sam's family and as he searches for answers, he finds more than he was ready to face. With buried secrets coming to life, Sam begins to understand why his family's monsters have been holding onto them.

Though difficult subject matter, the author lightens the blow by telling it from the perspective of an adolescent and successfully evoking empathy for the family. The story is relatable, as the hardships faced are realistic can happen to anyone. My favorite thing about the book is how textured and layered it is, yet easy to follow and get lost in. Though throughout the book you may find yourself feeling sad, you're rewarded with hope, knowledge, and understanding. It is a gripping and touching story that you should not pass up.