A review by evamadera1
Best Nerds Forever by Chris Grabenstein, James Patterson

lighthearted slow-paced


This book lived up to my rather low expectations. I knew when I picked it up that it would likely take the bottom ranking, at least in my opinion, of the books on the long list. Although I have not read five of the books on the list, at this time, I stand by that expectation. Also, just before I started reading this book, I watched a video that described some of the facts surrounding Patterson's dissolution of his eponymous imprint which paint him in a not so positive light. This did not raise my expectations.
Patterson created absolutely nothing original here. Finn, the primary character, has no dimensionality which means that all of the secondary characters have even less depth. On top of that, the "rules" surrounding Finn's ghosthood seem as made up as a 12 year old boy could make it up. Finn thought of something that he might be able to do and then he could do it. Then you finish the book and get that epilogue. SMH. No. Just no.