A review by ectoplasmeg
Curb Stomp by Ryan Ferrier


I really wanted to love this series. The first issue was pretty solid. A girl gang version of The Warriors and all that. But being a limited series, there was just way too much going on, too many plot holes, and very little resolution over the course of the 4 issues. Honestly, there were no repercussions at the end of the book? Legal ones, lasting emotional ones, nothing. I know that The Fever was meant to be all hardened by their lives in Old Beach but a pizza and a nap is not going to heal anything, yaknow?
Yeah the art inside isn't the greatest, I feel like it was more rushed looking as the book went on. Almost like there were deadlines that were coming dangerously close to not being met. As someone who reads comics I didn't feel mislead by the cover art (the TPB art is the same from #1, which was done by Tula Lotay who I have heart eyes for all day.)