A review by sandygx260
Sweet Lamb of Heaven by Lydia Millet


Smoke and mirrors. Seriously, this book slogged then peaked then slogged, and really peaked before it turned into a God is in the language and the vile husband might be the Devil muddle. At one point I almost thought the author didn't know what to do with the story line so she added in some strange record skip time change.

This novel is worthy of the Pulitzer short list? Great, guess I'm a literary idiot because I closed the book, went "huh, that's it?" and wondered about reading "Good Omens" again, one of my all-time favorite books ever. I'm not into a story which seems relatively stable before it suddenly smokes crack as it leaps into Wonderland for the last thirty or so pages.

This book just isn't my cup of wine.

I should take notes... in order to be considered "literary", an author needs to write long passages of inner angst, season them with some weird shit that makes no sense, add in God, destruction, and toss in hints of the Devil. Got it.

Not happening anything soon.