A review by booksuperpower
Her Forbidden Cowboy by Charlene Sands


Her Forbidden Cowboy by Charlene Sands is a 2015 Harlequin publication. I was provided a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This is a contemporary western romance involving two people who are both grieving and hurt, leaning on one another to get themselves back to the business of living again.

When Jess's older sister died in a tragic accident, her husband, Zane, was on the road performing as a country music star. Now, two years have passed, and Zane gets a phone call from his former mother- law asking if Jess can come stay with him for a week or so and he readily agrees.

Jess was jilted at the alter and needs some time far away from her small hometown in Texas to pull herself together.

Zane is hobbled at the moment by a fall from the stage and is more than happy to have the company. But, when his long time assistant has a family emergency and must leave, Jess steps up to help care for Zane, but it also puts the two of them in the house together all alone. But, Jess is like a sister to Zane... right? Then why does her heart beat faster when he stands close to her? Why has Zane suddenly become angry with any guy who gives Jess the time of day?

I could really understand why these two reached out to one another and why they felt they could pull off a temporary sexual relationship. They were both hurting and just wanted someone to lean on to help them through the pain for awhile. Naturally, for one of them the relationship begins to grow into real feelings of love and they know they will have to end it in order to find what they are really in search of... true love.
I never really felt the chemistry between these two the way I had hoped. I could feel their pain and loss, the love they felt as friends and for having a kind of family connection. But, as far as falling in love, I really felt Zane lacked passion. He said the right words, but it was like he was speaking in a monotone. The build up was great, but then it just kind of fizzles out at the end. I kept waiting for something more, some grand gesture, some real, raw emotion but it never came. There is nothing wrong with a slow steady pace of falling in love. It would have rang false it these two had gotten involved too quickly, but I wanted Zane to pull out the big guns and go all out for Jess. While they had both suffered a great deal and Zane's guilt has nearly eaten away at everything he had, I knew Jess was all in, but I just wasn't sure if Zane was on her level. All the same, the story is a mature romance and has it's own special poignancy to it. I was happy if Jess and Zane were , and they certainly seemed that way to me. 3 stars