A review by angie_stl
Wild Embrace by Nalini Singh



As with all things Psy/Changeling, the only thing bad about it was that it ended. I was most anxious for Echo of Silence, since there have been hints about Stefan in at least a couple good the books, and I wanted to learn more about this mysterious Psy that was an honorary Arrow. I've learned much about him, but would still love to know more about him and his underwater domain, Alarias.

I thought I might skip Dorian, because really, what more could I learn about him? I'm very glad I didn't skip this novella because it tells so much more about Dorian's struggle as a latent and his joy when Ashaya helps him break his cat out of its prison.

I wasn't sure about Partners in Persuasion going into it, because I couldn't remember who Felix or Desiree were. That was quickly spelled out in the first chapter; Felix being the head horticultaralist for the SnowDancers, in charge of replanting the trees where the battle with PurePsy happened, and Desiree is a senior solider in DarkRiver, who is on her way to becoming a Sentinel. I was very familiar with both once I thought about it. And the dance that Dezi, a dominant female leopard, starts with Felix, a submissive male wolf, is very different than any that have been highlighted during the series. Definitely glad I gave it a chance!!

The last story, Flirtation of Fate, was one that I'd planned to read, even if I had skipped Dorian and Partners in Persuasion. Flirtation is about two SnowDancer lieutenants, Garnet, or Jen, and Kenji. We've only ever seen them during comm meetings with Hawke and usually the other lieutenants, and at Hawke and Sienna's mating celebration. Their backstory goes to when they were children, when she was just the little sister to his best friend. Flirtation starts with Kenji coming to Garnet's den as part of a several day meeting to go over security protocols with the two of them and two lieutenants from the home den. The other two are held up by a car accident and the weather, but in the mean time, Kenji and Garnet have to solve a murder. The added mystery of the murder made this story even more enjoyable than I expected it to be.

All in all, a must read if you want some added depth to the Psy/Changeling world. I love all the side stories that Ms Singh offers in this series, from the novellas and short stories to all the many, many free shorts that she offers on her website. She seems to not only love her craft but her fans also!