A review by danchibnall
Although of Course You End Up Becoming Yourself: A Road Trip with David Foster Wallace by David Lipsky


One of Stephen King's greatest characters ever, Roland Deschain of Gilead, was a Gunslinger. In King's universe, a Gunslinger was a kind of "walking justice" that roamed the worlds trying to keep order where disorder reigned. These men were by no means sages or smiling monks. They were filled with a sense of right and wrong in the world that made them lethal when they needed to be. But it was their knowledge, their ability to understand others around them, that made them best suited for their jobs.

Without sounding cheesy, I believe David Foster Wallace is a type of Gunslinger in our world. He just did it with words rather than bullets.

I thoroughly enjoy DFW's work because it is so deep, so funny, and filled with moments where you say to yourself, "I know the exact feeling from which that passage sprang." He's like a painter who paints a scene that you can look through and say, "I've seen that, and I felt the way the painter does."

DFW's knowledge of the world, and of the human condition, really comes through in this book. Reading the transcript of his interviews with David Lipsky makes you feel happy to be a human being, and happy that there are other people out there who feel compassionate about the written word. Wallace was one of those rare men who could be hilarious one moment and genius the next. He proves that simply because something is complex does not mean we should shun it; we should embrace it because we will learn more about ourselves when we do.

To understand him more, read the book.

There are many moments when I am reading that I wish he were still alive.