A review by michalice
Bittersweet by Sarah Ockler


This is the perfect book for me to read, cupcakes, ice skating and ice hockey. I can't skate to save my life due to balance issues and fears of losing fingers, but I love anything to do with it.

Hudson Avery intentionally throws an ice skating competition in the hopes it will keep her family together, but it doesn't and her Father ends up leaving her Mother. The family end up downsizing and working together to keep things running and a roof over their heads.
Hudson receives a letter in the mail about a scholarship and she sees this as her chance to get out of Watonka, New York. She makes a deal with the hockey team, she will teach them techniques in exchange for ice time to practise her skating, and ends up falling for one of the players but begins a relationship with another. With the competition closing in Hudson has to make a decision that will not only affect the rest of her life, but also her friends and family.

Bittersweet is the first book I have read by Sarah Ockler and I could not put it down, I managed to finish this book in one day, even while trying to move into a new house. It was easy to fall into the lives of the people of Watonka and empathise with what they were feeling or going through. The characters Sarah has created are believable and likable and you can see this happening in real life. Although there is only a small collection of characters and places they visit I never felt like it was too boring or too little information and anything that was spoken about was described with enough detail to be able to imagine it.

If you have never read a book by Sarah then this is a book that you need to pick up and I will be looking for more books by Sarah to read.