A review by summermsmith
Assembling California by John McPhee


At first, I thought this book might be a snooze fest, and I didn't know hardly anything about geology prior to reading this. However, it was recommended to me and in the end I'm very glad I read it. I felt very adrift the first couple of chapters but soon got the lingo of a geologist and think I learned quite a bit. It was fascinating and I learned that ophiolites are a big and cool thing in geology. They are basically are the force behind our current land masses.

It also helped that a majority of the book dealt with areas of California I have lived in, so picturing the land masses he was talking about were very clear in my head. I listened to this but I wouldn't recommend doing that for someone who has not lived in California for several years. You wouldn't take as much away from it, because I imagine the physical book would have more images to help you out.

I loved all the side stories and really appreciated that the author had a dry as dirt sense of humor. I will be checking out the rest of the books in his series.