A review by jdeets03
Big Friendship: How We Keep Each Other Close by Ann Friedman, Aminatou Sow


"'We met at a friend's house' is the superficial narrative we tell strangers. But our real origin story is that we met at a time in our lives when we were both a little bit lost. We were both figuring out how to set a course for where we were hoping to go. And in each other, we found someone who already understood who we wanted to be."

Much like other reviewers, this book made me want to tell my friends how much I love them (and really made me wish I could also hug them). Sow and Friedman offer valuable tips on how to maintain friendships in the long-term, because unlike romantic relationships or familial relationships, there is very little guidance in the world on how to sustain a friendship, especially when you are forced to stretch and navigate big life transitions. This book was a quick but valuable read, and I loved getting deep into Sow and Friedman's own friendship journey, especially as I've recently become a regular listener of their podcast.