A review by readers_together
Sharkbait by Erin Mallon


Erin Mallon never fails to entertain me. Every book…or play is filled with layered in thought-provoking subjects with the comedy, and she does it so well. Sharkbait was no different. I loved every second of this book. It was funny, as we have come to expect from Erin, it was charming, sweet, and steamy. I loved Louise and James’s journey. I went through the gambit of emotions with this book. I laughed. I swooned. I was even brought to tears.

This book is slightly different to the others in the series. A little more serious and has POVs from the heroine and the hero, which is my favourite, so I loved that change. Without doing a disservice to the previous two books, I do feel this book had more depth to it. There is still the comedy elements, but with more. It works. Trust me.

Teddy Hamilton as James was genius casting. The way James is written is how I imagine Teddy to be in his personality. Erin brilliantly voiced Louise…it is always a joy to listen to her. Together, Erin and Teddy are superb and a joy to listen to. A+