A review by midas_
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle

hopeful inspiring reflective relaxing medium-paced


 This book will leave you with a newfound perspective, and a sense of ease. Tolle is great with pacing his overall message, and ensures you're not too overwhelmed with the spiritual aspects of the book. It's my first time delving into spirituality and I was resisting a lot of it throughout the book, thinking it's too wishy washy. I figured it's unfair to judge a book without completing it, and I did come out on the other end with mental exercises that can ground me when my thoughts and feelings become too intense. The only criticism I have is that I found the book often repeats the same message and terminology, which can cause one to glaze over certain parts of the book; concision is appreciated but with such a powerful message I feel the author could have been more descriptive. Overall, it's the kind of book you'll want to go back to - the type of book that'll change you.